Final Outcome (The Fun)

+ The Pluses +

I liked the way I tried to change the contrast and saturation settings in every clip and connecting them together

Along with playing a variety of techniques such as slow-motion, acceleration . . .

- The Minuses -

I could've focused more on the camera focus and also maybe adding reverse to the clip as well just to extend that

Things I have used for the process:

From the inspiration of the video 'Sony Bravia', I have decided to create a similar idea of the colours and objects, however, they are mostly glowing balloons and toys

I bought different cheap toys from a store, along with the neon glowing balloons.  This activity seemed much more fun and interesting than I expected, especially when seeing everyone else in my class was helping me with all of the 20 balloons.

Then I have chosen the setup to record and called a few people to support me with dropping the balloons over the camera from sight, though I didn't find it necessary for doing similar thing with the toys being placed in the "backdrop", at least I wanted to make it look more lively somehow

(The dark coloured paper was wrapped over the black poles going down and covering the table too)

Backdrop setup:

